Building a blockchain solution is a project that requires a lot of time and research and is highly dependent on your individual business. But regardless of your needs or goals, we will follow a few key steps to get you started.

Step 1: Define the problem to be solved
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the benefits that a blockchain solution can offer. But remember: it’s not a straightforward answer. First, you must clearly define what you are trying to achieve.

Step 2: Formulate your business requirements
Next, you’ll need to map out your business requirements to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. Think about what technologies you will need both on and offline for a complete ecosystem.

Step 3: Define the consensus mechanism
The next step is to define the consensus mechanism – the type of methodology used to achieve trust, security, and agreement in a decentralized computer network.

Step 4: Choose the best blockchain platform
Choosing a platform for your blockchain application will affect the skill set you will need from your development team, so it is important that you get it right.

Step 5: Create blockchain nodes
It is important to determine whether you need a blockchain network with or without permissions, which programming languages you will use, and any other elements that may affect development. Do you need a private, public, or hybrid solution to meet your business needs? Will the blockchain nodes run in the cloud, on-premises, or both?

Step 6: Plan the blockchain configuration
For most blockchain platforms, you’ll need to plan various configuration elements.

Step 7: Create your APIs
While some platforms provide out-of-the-box application programming interfaces (APIs), others do not. Depending on your needs, you may need to create an API.

Step 8: Design your user interface
Once you’ve planned out the entire program, you can start designing the user interface (UI) for each program component. The APIs you design will integrate with the user interfaces on the server side: the visual design influences the overall look of the application, and the technical design influences the architecture of the application.

Step 9. Choose an accelerator to optimize your Blockchain application
Now that you have created your blockchain application, how do you know that its deployment will be successful? Blockchain applications that require intensive computing need a hardware accelerator to improve performance, flexibility, and energy efficiency.